Aug 7, 2013

[Aug. 4th] - Hiking day 4

"...Ramble out yonder and explore the forests, climb the mountains, bag the peaks, run the rivers, breath deep of that yet sweet and lucid air.  Sit quietly for a while and contemplate the precious stillness, the lovely, mysterious, and awesome space."
-Edward Abbey

Start:  Carter Notch Hut
Stop:  US 2 (White Mountain Hostel)
Today:  14.9 mi
Total:  34.3 mi

Very long day today.  We woke up early and by 530am we were on our feet getting ready for a big-mile day.  We began hiking at 6am.  I noticed that the birds were silent and the trees very still this was even too early for them, i guess?

We made quick work of the first peak (Carter Dome) and tackled the next before taking a brief break.  The trail was tough, with many ups and downs, but I felt like we hit a nice groove and the miles melted away.  Heather took one spill but she quickly got up and her knee seemed to feel pretty good throughout the day. 

All of the ups and downs seem to blend together as I sit here at McDonald's at around 6:30pm at the end of a long day.  I would have described the day further but I'm just too tired to remember, or care.  Sitting here at the McDonald's I've noticed that all us hikers leave our packs unattended in a row outside leaning against the building.  Back home I'd be scared that someone would steal them but here I know they have an impenetrable security system: they stink!!

While loitering at the Golden Arches for a couple hours, (hard to hitch while its raining)  the most unexpected thing happened.  While sitting in a booth, a 40-something year old lady began talking to me.  First, there was some polite chit-chat: she told me God struck down her house with lightning so she's living over in the Royalty Inn down the street.  Then, she cut to the chase by showing me her bag filled with beers, telling me she was  "lonely for company" and insisting I visit her in room 403.  I politely declined.  Only the finest at Mac-Donalds!!


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